34 Compli 1000 delivered to the North East

Thanks to ongoing hard work from our Sales and Estimating team, we recently took an order for 34 of our PTS/Jung Pumpen Compli 1000 packaged sewage disposal units and accessories at a prestigious site in the North East of England.

Collected from our dedicated warehouse facilities in Erith Kent, these unit were sent up in two lorries after passing quality control checks both here and at our factory in Germany.

Already the unit of choice for Thames Water as part of the FLIP (Flooding Local Improvement Project) and many other consultants, contractors and distributors why not read up on this unit and see how it could be of benefit to you today

We are happy to provide the correct pumping solution to consultants and architects no matter how big or small the project. We have Technical Sales Consultants in your area ready to pop in and go through our range with yourselves. Give us a call today or e-mail us at sales@pts-jung.co.uk.